DMG Used machines internationally well prepared
On international market development and the current changes in the fair landscape, we talked on the edge of the DMG used equipment day in Geretsried with Thomas Trump, CEO of DMG Used equipment GmbH
Mr. Trump, the world economy is recovering, it is reinvested. Is that in the used machinery trade felt?
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Thomas Trump, CEO of DMG Used machinery GmbH: "For 2011 we expect a clear upward trend. In the used machinery sector, we believe that we can come up with a ten to twelve percent, maximum 15-percent increase "pictures. Schreier
Trump: Yes, we felt in the used machinery trade. Now that the delivery times to rise again, of course, we can conclude with our inventory of used equipment that gap. Some customers need fast machines. And we are ready with our best products.
The year 2010 is almost gone. As falls from their first record? What do you expect for 2011?
Trump: The year 2010 was a success because the market has revived significantly. While we were in the first half of the year under some price pressure, which regulates itself but in recent months. For 2011 we expect a clear upward trend. In the used machinery sector, we believe that we can come up with a ten to twelve percent, maximum 15-percent increase, and therefore look quite optimistic about the future.
Looking at the regional markets: What is showing better the export business and domestic sales?
Trump: It's still the domestic sales, because we have come in Germany's fastest again out of the crisis and the economic programs of the federal government have helped us greatly. The labor market policy has contributed to it. Because were cut short thanks to the work, no jobs on a large scale, can now begin again the spindles to rotate faster. One need not look again until staff will be taught once again. I think this was an important political decision to benefit from the course, we in the used machinery sector.
The next year a new used machinery trade fair, which USETEC in Cologne. The fair was already having a booth at the Expo Industry Stock represented in St. Petersburg - with good results. So celebrate the Russian market, which was heavily over the years the focus of the used machinery trade, a comeback?
Trump: Indeed. The Russian market is a market that we at DMG very much in focus and in which we have to expand our sales activities. We are on a DMG-office in Moscow City. We also expect in the next few years a significant revival in Russia and will show even more technical sales flag to capture the market.